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by Mary E Tjotjos

Host a Natural and Organic Beauty Party

The rest of the world is finally catching up to what we knew all along: natural beauty products are the way of the future. The benefits are clear—sustainably sourced, organic beauty has been proven to be more effective at keeping both our bodies and the environment healthier than the alternatives.

Whether it’s protecting sensitive skin from common irritants to preventing deforestation by avoiding palm oil, the answer is clear: consumers and businesses alike are making the switch, and it’s up to us to keep the ball rolling. What better time to gather your friends and spread the news? From showcasing the best sulfate-free shampoos, to trying the latest restorative face oils, we have the step-by-step for hosting a night the neighborhood won’t forget.



Gather together a list of your beauty besties, and invite them to bring one of their favorite natural or organic beauty products to share. If you’re stumped, here’s a few of our favorites. Paper invites are cute, but email invitations save paper!

Vino or Mocktails.

Gather your favorite bottles of organic or biodynamic wine. For non-alcoholic drinks, we have a wide variety of mocktails you’ll love.


What’s a party without food? Look for an organic or vegan caterer in your area. If you’re really feeling DIY, here are a few of our favorite recipes you can prepare yourself: Vegan Appetizers, Vegan Burgers, Passion Fruit "White Chocolate" Vegan Mousse and Vegan Quesadillas.


Lighting and Aromatherapy.

It goes without saying; good lighting and good smells can make or break a mood. Set out some candles made from vegetable waxes like soy or coconut. Beeswax is good, too, unless you are vegan! Look for lead-free wicks, and candles scented with essential oils. Avoid candles that are scented with “fragrance” or “parfum,” these are most likely synthetics. Choose your aromatherapy benefit: lavender, to relax; rosemary or citrus, to uplift. We have several guides on some of the best candles and natural fragrances.


Feel free to play our favorite yoga playlists from our website—find us on Spotify or find your own. Your guests can share their own lists too!

Get ready for the evening!

There will be plenty of time for festivities throughout the evening, but the idea is a night of expression and discovery. Gather everyone in an open space with your mirrors, makeup wipes, and favorite beauty products. Which products look most exciting? Have the group choose one to try out. Depending on your audience, you can focus on different themes—from healing remedies to natural makeup’s—it’s up to you!

Make it social. Invite your guests to share their thoughts with the group. Of course, selfies are always welcome. What products do your guests like the most? Don’t be afraid to highlight natural ingredients or pair your favorite cosmetics. Maybe you’ve found the perfect lip balm to match a new eye shadow. At the end, everyone can choose their favorites!

Encourage sustainable beauty. If your guests are new the clean beauty, the products you’ve showcased will highlight the abundance of safe, healthy alternatives in skincare. Even seasoned veterans are sure to find something exciting, with so many brands making the switch to cleaner alternatives.

Resources/Further reading

For more a more in-depth look, check out these articles: