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How to Visualize Effectively

by Mary Beth Janssen

Distinct evidence exists that healing through visualization has been around for more than 40,000 years. Early cave paintings in France show pictures of powerful and healing animals—such as buffalo—drawn next to stick figures of injured people. Ancient man drew pictures pleading with the gods for rain, good harvests, relief from diseases, and life after death. Symbolism such as this is still used in Native American shamanism.

How to visualize 
  • Eliminate all distractions, i.e. phone, television, etc.
  • Sit comfortably. Focus on relaxing all your muscles (head to toe, toe to head, etc.).
  • Close your eyes and gently breathe.
  • Identify the experience, goal, or outcome you want to visualize.
  • Now, imagine yourself in a situation where you want to heal or improve your life in some way. Create an image in your mind using your five senses to integrate yourself into the visual imagery
  • You can picture yourself releasing stress, overcoming a health challenge, succeeding in sports, on a test in school, getting a job, or wherever you want improvement in your life.
  • See yourself happy and fulfilled after reaching your desired outcome. Feel pleasure and excitement at attaining what you want.
  • Picture yourself feeling great, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
  • Visualize five to10 minutes every day to hone this valuable skill.

It is easy to find visualization/guided imagery resources in many forms—CDs, YouTube, podcasts and more. I highly recommend visiting Belleruth Naparstek's website. A psychotherapist, she is a pioneer in the field of "guided imagery," and the founder of Health Journeys, a premier resource for every conceivable guided imagery program for physical, mental, emotional healing. Belleruth shares that only 55 percent of the population is strongly wired for self-induced visual memory/fantasy, therefore the guided imagery process is not only quite effective and enjoyable for the remaining segment of the population, but most certainly for everyone.

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