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by Mary Tjotjos

Susan Hirsch, Formulation Manager, Gaia Herbs

Susan Hirsch is the Formulation Manager for Gaia Herbs. She received her Master’s Degree in Herbal Medicine from Maryland University of Integrative Health, and she practiced in Maryland as a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Clinical Herbalist. 

Susan originally spent several years at Gaia Herbs as a Product Information Specialist before becoming the Formulation Manager. This experience gave her a strong foundation in understanding the uniqueness of Gaia Herbs products, as well as recognition of the importance of education and consumer feedback in order to make the best herbal products that support health and wellness.

Susan is passionate about exploring the intersection between traditional herbal wisdom across all cultures and modern herbal research. She believes in the profound wisdom of the body and the ability of food and herbs to connect to that wisdom. Her theory is that plants help us heal by reminding us of our connection to something greater than ourselves, a view which aligns with Gaia Herbs’ purpose, vision, and values.

Susan was personally inspired to become an herbalist while standing in the amazing Gaia Herbs’ Echinacea fields many years ago, so she is extremely happy to be able to continue a relationship with those beautiful fields and the products derived from them that have helped so many people.