Most kids are lacking in EPA and DHA, the omega-3 essential fatty acids found in fish oil. Considering that these nutrients significantly aid in child development, from the immune system to brain function, it might be time to bolster your little one’s morning regimen. “Omega-3 fatty acids must be obtained through diet. Eating fish is one way to get omega-3s; however, does your child eat fish three to four times a week—and how safe are the fish today?” asks Dr. Jennifer L. Johnson, a Connecticut-based naturopathic doctor and clinical assistant professor at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. Even budding seafood lovers aren’t getting enough omega-3s, Johnson points out, because much fish is farm raised and lacking significant amounts of these fatty acids. Research, she says, indicates the purest and most reliable source of obtaining them is a high quality fish oil supplement. According to Johnson, third party-certified Nordic Naturals’ chewable tangerine-flavored Fishies and strawberry-flavored Children’s DHA—made from Arctic cod liver oil are two examples. She also recommends starting the day with Nordic Berries multi-vitamins for tots two and up: “Kids can be picky eaters and make poor choices allowing nutrient deficiencies to develop. A daily multi-vitamin fills in the blanks to ensure adequate nutrition status.”
Omega 3 for Your Kids
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