Manon Pilon, President, Labortoire Nelly De Vusyt
Manon Pilon’s background spans over 35 years of professional experience in spa and medical spa operations and management, marketing strategies, medical spa concept and development with continuous improvement on knowledge of the skin & techniques and offers motivational methods. She runs the R&D product development of Derme&CO PRESIDENT of Laboratoire Nelly De Vuyst, Laboratoire EuropeLab and Laboratoire Druide, Largest manufacturing facility in organic and certified products in North America.
She has a vast professional experience in conducting seminars and conferences to medical aesthetics & spa professionals and own and operated spa and medical spa for more then 40 years. Worked as an aesthetic teacher for 7 years for the Minister of Education Quebec and she is a founder of a private aesthetics professional school in Montreal, Canada. Mrs. Pilon is an invited guest speaker at several trade events and conferences as well as a guest speaker on popular radio and television shows worldwide.
Winner of several awards (Business Woman and Trade Associations), author of 2 books one is «Anti-Aging the Cure Based on your Body Type», columnist and invited writer in reputable journals and magazines. Sitting on many boards in Cosmetic and businesses Mrs. Pilon is considered the most dynamic and best motivational speaker in the trade.