Jon Carder, CEO, Vessel
Jon Carder is a serial Internet entrepreneur, who by the age of 27 had already sold two internet businesses and was trying out retirement. That didn’t last long and it soon became clear to Jon that he needed to build things and the bigger the impact on what he built the more enjoyable the journey would be.
Enter Peter Diamandis and Ray Kurzweil. Jon first learned about Singularity and some of the incredible technologies coming that could extend our healthy life span over a decade ago, when a friend turned him on to the work Peter and Ray were doing. It immediately lighted a fire in him. Jon’s philosophy is if you can help give someone more time to do the things they love with the people they love what could be more valuable than that?
Jon took that motivation and built Vessel, a lab that fits in your hand. Vessel (VesselHealth.com) helps you access, understand, and optimize your health and wellness from the comfort of home. Vessel's proprietary urine analysis test card and app tracks health markers like Vitamin C, B7, B9, magnesium, calcium, hydration, cortisol, ketones, and more in three minutes. It also provides food, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations based on your test results to help you feel and perform better.