The Fair Trade market model helps empower small-scale farmers and workers in underdeveloped countries to build a trading system that supports equitable trade, enduring trade relationships and sustainable development. Buying certified Fair Trade products means supporting fair prices and wages for producers, investing in community development projects and safe working conditions, and eradicating child labor, workplace discrimination and exploitation.
World Fair Trade Day on May 12 presents a great opportunity to sample Fair Trade products and take advantage of promotional discounts at more than 500 in-store events. You can enter for a chance to win a 15-day Fair Trade Adventure to Sri Lanka, where the world’s first organic, Fair Trade coconut oil project was developed.
Check out a few of our favorite Fair Trade products to see how you can help make a difference.
Clean and Certified
Dr. Bronner’s, maker of soap and skin care products, invests in Fair Trade projects from Ghana and Sri Lanka to Palestine and Israel. The company works with Swiss Fair Trade certifier IMO to develop and certify its projects.
Rainforest Restoration
By partnering with indigenous farmers to grow organic holly trees in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, Guyaki Yerba Mate hopes to restore 200,000 acres of rainforest and create more than 1,000 living-wage jobs for local communities by 2020.
Co-op Chocolate
Made from cacao beans grown by co-op farmers on land previously planted with illegal coca, Alter Eco Dark Chocolate Bars contribute to economic stability and reforestation efforts in the Peruvian Amazon.