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Biodegradable laundry detergent for eco-fabrics

by Elke Erschfeld

Target is a retail store with contemporary designs at affordable prices. Occasionally I’m thrilled to find eco-friendly items as well like organic bedding. The Target home 325 thread count organic cotton collection is made of 100% organic cotton, comes in multiple hues and has a sateen look and feel. But what do you do once the eco-friendly fabric needs its first wash?

As per the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), green laundry practices can have a big impact on the reduction of energy and water usage. One of them is to buy detergent with minimal packaging and in concentrated form. That’s where Vaska comes in. Vaska’s laundry detergent line includes a 42 oz bottle for 56 loads and a 21 oz bottle for 28 loads. It contains no harsh chemicals, animal products, perfumes or dyes. Instead it’s gentle on your skin, clothes and the environment. I have been using the plant-based and biodegradable laundry detergent for years. It comes in lavender and scent-free. The latter was even awarded DfE (Design for the Environment) certification by the EPA. A lot of the suggestions made by the EPA in regards to greening your laundry are common sense. Like to always fill up the load of your washing machine and to use cold-water cycles as much as possible. An astonishing fact though is that about 90% of energy used for doing laundry comes from heating water during wash cycles. Not only the environment but also your clothes will thank you for being mindful about your warm water consumption.

Vaska’s packaging was developed by the strategic design agency Tomorrow. The detergent bottles are made of recyclable food-grade plastic (HDPE) and have iconic circular handles. The simplicity of beautifully translucent colors combined with the powerful logo look elegant yet bold. It’s no wonder that Vaska’s founder is a fashion designer with a passion for contemporary design and the environment. The all-natural laundry detergent makes caring for the environment and human health fashionable.

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