Now that social distancing is firmly in place, and many if not most of us are not going anywhere, my friends in the spa industry will be delighted to know that spa is coming to you.
Jean-Guy de Gabriac, founder, World Wellness Weekend - WWW, and producer of The World Spa & Wellness Convention, has announced that the renowned Convention is taking place this year online. “In light of Trevor Noah, we could even call it the first ‘World Spa & Wellness Social Distancing Convention,’ “ he says, with a virtual smile.
Readers of Organic Spa Media can access the rest of the Convention for FREE, through Friday 3rd April. It promises to be packed with panels and one-on-one keynote discussions that will help the industry cope with this unprecedented situation and brainstorm ideas that spa owners and managers can use to face the future with creativity and insight TOGETHER.
There are daily webinars with industry-leading speakers offering guidance, business advice and live demos; exclusive offers from brands who were due to be at the show; and updates on how to safeguard your business during this pandemic.
3pm UK: SITUATION ROOM: “RESET & RESTART” Strategies to prepare your re- opening (part 1) 45 minutes
- Andrew Gibson – Senior VP Sensei (USA)
- Amanda Al Masri - Founder at Al-Masri Consulting(USA) Former Global Director of Spa Operations & Development STARWOOD ; former VP Spa Services EQUINO
- Chris Kiefer – Founder – CEO Rayya Wellness & Former CEO Dreamworks Spas (UAE)
5pm UK: ONE-on-ONE with Jean-Pierre de Villiers (UK) – Peak Performance Coach - “Be a better leader & influencer in business in this unprecedented times of uncertainty. 30 minutes
3pm UK: SITUATION ROOM: “RESET & RESTART” Strategies to prepare your re-opening (part 2) 45 minutes
- Maggy Dunphy - Director of Spa & Wellness Operations Americas HYATT (USA)
- Anna Bjurstam - SVP Wellness SIX SENSES (SWEDEN)
- Helena Grzesk – General Manager UK Spa Association (UK)
- Vyara Tosheva - Wellness Consultant (UAE)
5pm UK: ONE-on-ONE with Bryan Williams – Founder BW Leadership Academy (USA) – “Rise as a Manager – Shine as a Leader” (Title to be confirmed) 30 minutes
3pm UK: PANEL « Stories of Hope & Resiliency in the face of catastrophes » 45 minutes
- Virginie Fliegans - Spa Director Bulgari Paris (FRANCE)
- Tricia Greenaway – Founder Wellness Footprints (ANTIGUA)
- Stephanie Rest – Founder Caribbean Wellness & Education (USA)
- Mitchel Rivera – CEO Cloud Spa (PUERTO RICO)
5pm UK: PANEL « Develop a Positive Mindset to overcome adversity » 45 minutes
- Tanya Chernova – Author, Keynote speaker, performance coach (CANADA)
- Carol Philips – Author, Keynote speaker, performance coach (USA)
- Beverley Spencer – Founder Confidence Connoisseur (UK)