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Five Fat-Burning Moves With James Park

by Organic Spa Magazine

workout inlineAre you bored with your exercise routine? Make it fun and challenging by burning fat with this strength-training interval workout, created by James Park, a private trainer and group fitness instructor at Gurney’s Montauk Resort & Seawater Spa in Montauk, New York.

Running is the foundation of the workout—you’ll run to warm up, cool down, recover from the hard effort of the intervals, blast belly fat and tone your body.

The workout

Warm up by running for five minutes at a moderate pace. Do each strength interval exercise for 30 seconds. Recover between each move by running for 30 seconds. Complete this six-move circuit four times for a 20 minute workout.

As you build endurance, do each strength interval exercise for 60 seconds. Recover between each move by walking for 60 seconds. Complete this six-move circuit two times for a total of two.

1. Walk Outs with Push-up

Start in standing position with arms over head, bend at your hips keeping the legs straight as long as possible, as you place your hands to the ground. Then walk the hands forward to plank position. Once in plank pose, do a push up and then walk the hands back to feet once again keeping the legs straights. Finish with a swat jump with your hands raised over head.

2. Burpees

Stand with arms reaching overhead, feet together. Squat low, bringing hands to ground just outside feet. Quickly jump back with both feet to plank position. Jump forward again to a low squat. Stand up, extending arms overhead. Make it harder: add a push-up each time you’re in plank position.

3. Mountain Climbers

Start by placing your hands on floor, slightly wider than shoulder width. On forefeet, position one leg forward bent under body and extend other leg back. While holding upper body in place, alternate leg positions by pushing hips up while immediately extending forward leg back and pulling rear leg forward under body, landing on both forefeet simultaneously. The intensity can be increased by stepping faster.

4. Forearm to Push Up Position

Start face down in plank pose on your forearms and legs slightly wider than hip distance apart and knees off the ground. As you exhale, push yourself up one arm at a time to push up position and then lower yourself back to forearm position.

5. Side Plank

Balance on right hand and outside edge of right foot so that body is in a straight line from head to heels, with shoulders, hips and legs off ground. Extend left arm upward. Hold for duration of interval. Alternate sides for each interval. Make it easier by resting the forearm or knee on ground. Make it harder by lifting top leg six inches off bottom leg, so top leg is hovering in the air.


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