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Eco-Friendly Grilling Tips

by Michael Lyndall

Summer isn’t over yet! Weekend barbecues and summer cookouts are in full swing, and Organic Spa Magazine has ways to keep your grill green while you enjoy your backyard cuisine.
A Super Green Grill:
GoSun has a solar powered grill that uses a convex mirror to heat a tube of borosilicate glass, creating temperatures up to 550 Fahrenheit! gosunstove.com


Image credit: GoSun Stoves

Propane Over Charcoal:
Purists may swear by charcoal, but those prepackaged coals leave a carbon footprint three times higher than using propane gas.
Charcoal also makes it harder to manage your grill’s heat, sometimes flaring up to 750 Fahrenheit. Higher heat means more charring, and charred meat contains high levels of HCA, a carcinogen linked to stomach cancer. Keep your heat steady and your carbon footprint light with propane.
Veggies & Fish Over Red Meat:
Another culprit in the creation of HCAs is red meat, more specifically the fat from red meat. Fat turns to grease more readily, and falling grease causes grill flare ups, which lead to more charred meat.
To avoid this situation completely, try grilling fish or veggies instead. Fish contains very little fat and takes much less time to grill, and veggies such as zucchini, asparagus, and mushrooms are delicious and original additions to your usual grill cuisine.
Clean That Grill:
The last factor responsible for HCAs in your food is a dirty grill, which will transfer carcinogens from your last meal to your present if not cleaned properly.
The greenest way to keep this from happening is with a little elbow grease, and a wire grill brush. The brush will only get the larger chunks of carbon off; if you want to remove the finer soot, keep your grill hot after brushing, dip a rag in vegetable oil, and use tongs to pick up the rest of the finer soot that the brush missed.

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