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Walking in Gratitude for Thanksgiving

by Nicole Dorsey Straff

thanksgivingI was interviewing my peer Kent Burden last month about the things he was most grateful for this holiday season, and he said  “The same thing I’m grateful for every holiday season.” You see, Kent lost the ability to walk or be mobile at all after a catastrophic injury to his spine, many years ago.”

The physical advantages of walking cannot be denied: 30 minutes of safe and moderate walking (or the exercise intensity equivalent) on five days of week or more, helps lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, back pain and certain forms of cancer.

Adopting a regular healthy habit like walking takes consistency, and tapping into the more intrinsic values of a regular walking program (daily stress relief, for instance, or better sleep quality) helps you stick to a regular regimen with renewed commitment.

I am also thankful for the health and wellness of my family; we eat healthfully, sleep safely and give back to our community. And like fitness expert Kent Burden, I’m grateful for mobility.

I am also introducing a mainly vegetarian dinner for Thanksgiving this year. For a few diehards, we’ll be roasting a bird breast, but cooking naturally for all else. I’d like to give the animals of the earth a little break this year too.

thanksgivingWhat are you doing to honor the earth and your loved ones this Thanksgiving?

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